Posted by Shujin Wu on May 8, 2016
All Data in a Python program represented by objects or by relations between objects. Every objects has an identity, a type and a value.
operation compares the identity of two object. e.g. if obj1 is obj2
is the memory address where obj is stored (CPython)type(obj)
function returns a object’s typea = 1; b =1;
a and b may and may not refer to same object with value 1c = [ ]; b = [ ];
c and d are guaranteed to refer two different, newly created empty list.c = d = [ ];
c and d refer to same object.Objects are never explicitly destroyed; they may be garbage-collected when they become unreachable. (Not guaranteed)
As a collection algorithm, reference counting tracks, for each object, a count of the number of references to it held by other objects. If an object’s reference count reaches zero, the object has become inaccessible, and can be destroyed.
import collections
Card = collections.namedtuple('Card', ['rank', 'suit'])
class FrenchDeck:
ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2, 11)] + list('JQKA')
suits = 'spades diamonds clubs hearts'.split()
def __init__(self):
self._cards = [Card(rank, suit) for suit in self.suits
def __len__(self):
return len(self._cards)
def __getitem__(self, position):
return self._cards[position]
Special methods are meant to be called by the python interpreter. By implementing special methods, your objects can behave like the built-in types.
>>> beer_card = Card('7', 'diamonds')
>>> beer_card
Card(rank='7', suit='diamonds')
# __len__
>>> deck = FrenchDeck()
>>> len(deck)
# __getitem__
>>> deck[0]
Card(rank='2', suit='spades')
>>> deck[-1]
Card(rank='A', suit='hearts')
>>> deck[:3]
[Card(rank='2', suit='spades'),
Card(rank='3', suit='spades'),
Card(rank='4', suit='spades')]
: used for debugging and logging__str__
: used for presentation to end user; invoked by str()
: in CPython implementation, what len()
do is simply read from a field in a C struct. Therefore, the built-in len()
is not called as a method.